Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Apparently I'm in the midst of a sci-fi mood. I started this as a small logo for a forum avatar and that's what I used it for. But I decided to work a bit more on it tonight since it was in such hi resolution and was just sitting on my hard drive.

So the 1st image is pretty much what the logo consisted of (minus some text), and the bottom is what I added to it tonight.. Just wanted to breath some life into the character and ended up calling him 'Watcher' for lack of a better name.

I just really liked the way that his eye really felt like it was lookin at ya, no matter where you looked.Initially this was SUPPOSED to be a self-portrait, but it quickly spun into a cool sci-fi character... Maybe that's just my artistic subconscious expressing where it wishes I was...Whew, how's that for abstract for ya.
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